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What is Price Sync?

Learn how Price Sync works, and how to turn on Price Sync for the first time.

Holland Rocha avatar
Written by Holland Rocha
Updated over a week ago

Price Sync ensures that price adjustments made to your products in Sellbrite are reflected in your active listings. If a product price is updated in Sellbrite, that new price will automatically sync to any linked listing.

NOTE: If you update the price of a listing directly on a sales channel, Sellbrite won't detect these changes. Additionally, Price Sync will stop updating the price for any listing you've directly modified on that channel. To manage prices effectively, it's important to make price adjustments within Sellbrite.

Enabling Price Sync

  • You can enable Price Sync by navigating to Settings > Sales Channel Integrations. From this page, select the channel you would like to enable Price Sync for.

  • This will take you to your Channel Settings, where you will find the Price Sync toggle located towards the top of the page.

  • Click on the Price Sync toggle and a pop-up will appear, prompting you to confirm that you would like to enable this feature.

  • Before entering "ENABLE", be sure that you confirm all of your product prices are correct. Once Price Sync is enable, all of your product prices will be pushed to this sales channel.

Now that Price Sync is enabled, you can create pricing rules. Learn more about Pricing Rules here.

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