Preparing your WooCommerce products
Before connecting your WooCommerce store and importing your products into Sellbrite, please verify that your products are set up properly to work with Sellbrite.
SKUs - While SKUs are not required on your WooCommerce products in Sellbrite, we recommend that you use them, especially for products with variations. Add SKUs to your products in WooCommerce before importing them into Sellbrite. (Learn more about Why You Need SKUs here)
โVisibility - Make sure your products are Published and have the Visibility set to Public. These are the only ones that will be accessed by Sellbrite.
Manage Stock - Confirm that the Manage Stock setting is enabled on all your products, including on the variation level if your products have variations. This will allow Sellbrite to sync your inventory with the products in your store.
Keywords: Woo, Commerce, Woocomm