When creating new WooCommerce listings with variations or importing existing listings with variations, WooCommerce only provides the "slug" for the variation attribute values and not the actual values. The slug is a simple identifier for the attribute value.
For example, if you have a product attribute of Color, and one of the color options is "Black & White", WooCommerce will only provide us with "black-white" (the slug) for that product, rather than the true value. There is no way for Sellbrite to get "Black & White".
While this is simply an inconvenience for managing your WooCommerce listings in Sellbrite, this is most problematic when building your product catalog from these listings. The variations in the products that are built will also only have the slug values, which doesn't work well if you're creating listings on other channels.
To get around this, complete the following:
1. Once your product catalog is built from your WooCommerce listings, export your products into a CSV file
2. Update the variation columns to the proper values (ie. "Black & White")
3. Save the CSV file and import back into Sellbrite
Keywords: Woo, Commerce, Woocom