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Add Products Using a CSV Import

Learn how to add new products using a CSV file

Holland Rocha avatar
Written by Holland Rocha
Updated over 8 months ago

Sellbrite lets you build your products in bulk using CSV spreadsheets. These files, known as CSVs (Comma Separated Values), make the process organized and efficient.

Here are some simple steps to guide you through the process:

1. Export the Product CSV template from Sellbrite.

To export your Product CSV template, head to to Settings > Export Data. From here, select 'All Data.' This will export a spreadsheet containing all of your products in Sellbrite.

You can choose to export a 'Template Only,' which provides a sample template with only a few products. This template helps you understand how to format your products without overwhelming you with a lot of data. You can also practice making adjustments without affecting your actual product data.

2. Fill out your spreadsheet

NOTE: Do not edit or remove the first 3 rows of the file.

When adding a product, you are required to enter a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and a Product Name. Sellbrite only accepts letters, numbers, hyphens, spaces, and underscores in SKUs.

After your spreadsheet has been filled out, you want to save the file to your computer. Make sure you save the file in CSV format.

3. Upload the File

To upload your file to Sellbrite, navigate Settings > Import Data. From this page, select 'CSV File' for Products.

This will take you to the Product CSV upload page. Select the file you saved to your computer and upload it.

NOTE: Sellbrite's system does not accept spreadsheets other than Sellbrite's Product or Inventory CSV Files. If you have your product information already saved to a different spreadsheet, you will need to transfer the data onto one of our provided spreadsheets.

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