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Sellbrite glossary of terms
Sellbrite glossary of terms

Learn the meanings of several terms used throughout the Sellbrite app and Help Center.

Holland Rocha avatar
Written by Holland Rocha
Updated over 9 months ago


  • Products are the items you sell. Each product contains data like name, SKU, description, dimensions, etc. To view your products in Sellbrite, click the 'Products' tab. Here is where you can view all your products. You can list them or check their inventory to see the location and quantity of each product.


  • Inventory is the amount or quantity of a product you have. Inventory can include data such as cost of goods or the warehouse its located in. To view or adjust your inventory, navigate to Products > Inventory.


  • Listings are like advertisements for your products. While products are the physical items you sell, listings are the offers for those products on different sales channels. Listing details include price, shipping, payment information, and sales channel category. To view listings for each sales channel, click on the 'Listings' Tab.

Sales Channels

  • Sales Channels are the places where you sell your products. There are two types: 1) Marketplaces (e.g., eBay, Amazon, Etsy) and 2) Shopping Carts (e.g., Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce for your own website). In Sellbrite, each sales channel has customizable inventory rules, listing presets, and channel-specific settings.


  • Categories can mean one of two things:

  1. Sellbrite Categories: These are used for internal organization in Sellbrite. You can add categories to products on the Product Page, which helps with bulk listing, reporting, and editing data across similar products. You can create any custom Sellbrite Category you need.

  2. Sales Channel Categories: These refer to the specific listing categories available on each marketplace. Each marketplace has its own category tree for you to list under.


  • A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is the unique identifier assigned to each product you sell. A SKU is required in Sellbrite (and on most sales channels). In the retail industry, SKUs are part of inventory control. SKUs enable retailers to track each product. In Sellbrite, SKUs are used to link your products to listings and orders. Learn more here.

Parent & Variation Products

  • If a product comes in different sizes, colors, etc., it has Variations. Each Variation has its own SKU in Sellbrite. For example, if a coffee cup comes in black and white, each color is a Variation. Each Variation gets a unique SKU so Sellbrite can identify the black cup from the white cup.


  • A Link connects a Listing to its corresponding Product. This link lets Sellbrite adjust inventory for the Product when orders are placed. It also updates inventory quantities across all Listings linked to that Product.


  • To import data means to pull data into Sellbrite. Data can be imported into Sellbrite from your sales channels or by uploading a CSV file.


  • To export data means to pull data out of Sellbrite. Sellbrite can export data in two formats:

  1. Inventory CSV: Contains information specific to inventory, like SKU, Quantity, and Cost of Goods Sold.

  2. Product CSV: Contains product attributes like description, dimensions, features, images, etc.

Product Attribute

  • A Product Attribute is any detail about a Product. For example, name, description, brand, condition, SKU, UPC, etc.

Product Attribute Placeholders

  • Product Attribute Placeholders have 'curly' brackets around them and look like this: {{name}} {{description}}

  • You can add Product Attribute Placeholders to Templates. Doing this is a great way quickly customize your Listings in bulk for each channel.

Presets, Templates, & Recipes

  • Each sales channel has different data you need to enter. You can save commonly used data settings into a Preset or a Template, so you don't have to repeat your work when creating listings. A Recipe is a collection of multiple Templates. 

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